The adaptors of “Bed-of-nails” type are used for inspection of PCBs and electronic devices. There are different constructions of testing adaptors which are characterized by tasks and types of tests, by costs of manufacture and maintenance, by sizes of testing field.
By type of pressurization the “Bed-of-nails” adaptors are divided in:
- Vacuum adaptor is an adaptor which appeared first and it’s used for three decades. Its advantages are in free access from elements’ side which allows using optical and visual control in addition. Disadvantages: high price, high noise level, regular protective service, necessity of intensive pressurization.
- Mechanical adaptor. Most adaptors have hand-operated mechanical pressurization. In models with maximum pins number 800 no great efforts are required. The adaptor’s working field depends on tested product and can have maximum dimensions 670х450 mm. The main advantages of this adaptor are low price and low costs of maintenance in comparison with other models. Disadvantages: pressurization mechanism blocks access to tested product.
- Pneumatic adaptor. As for construction this adaptor looks like mechanical one. The difference is in pressurization gearing. Usage of pneumatic adaptors is more suitable in case of big number of testing pins (more than 800). Disadvantages: regular protective service, pressurization mechanism blocks access to tested product.